Thursday, June 27, 2013

I'm graduated!

Finally, finally,
I am graduated with a Merit in Master of Pharmacy.
All these while, all the education fees my parents spent, all the midnight oils I burnt, how many crying days just because of stress and finally I am graduated.
There are so many people that I would like to thank because without them I wouldn't make it throughout the way. No matter those still besides me or left me, thank you!
 #1 Finally the cert is on my hands. :)

 #2 With my lovely mummy giving so much love and money

 #3 With bff Jia

 #4 With jie jie
 #5 And of course Junie!

 #6 Yu Seng all the way from Cardiff

 #7 Soo Koon all the way from Malaysia!!
 #8 Amrit was here too from Dundee ;)

#9 Last but not least, the ladies, Chrystal and Jia who supported me physically and mentally when I am in Glasgow.